Comments on: Chapter 4, Page 79 by Blue Delliquanti Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Borg Wed, 19 Jun 2019 19:40:56 +0000 Welcome to being the messiah.

By: Ruth or Ford Mon, 17 Apr 2017 07:12:23 +0000 After that last scene where Al tries to help recenter the conversation to WOC and here he’s literally standing right in front of one of Maggie’s sculptures and an old Villas poster really hurts. Al’s trying so bad not to be credited so much for the sake of his mental health but also for the sake of the hard work of other people and no one in a place of power has ever really listened. Instead, these folks see him as the one and only and aren’t listening to him and that. hurts. me. He never wanted that

I also think it’s really interesting (and sad) how this history, intentionally or not, still chooses those it perceives as white straight cismen as important figureheads, over the marginalised people that also contribute to what are really movements, as Al here implies

By: Morgan Mon, 07 Dec 2015 20:55:46 +0000 “Father”

By: Shihchuan Sat, 28 Nov 2015 11:47:37 +0000 In reply to Dotcom.

Might he (or many other robots) be in the know????? Another wild guess, maybe Al’s return was a collective effort by the robotic community? (or a conspiracy to bring back their spiritual leader to aid them in their imminent uprising against the oppressive human, if we’re to be darker)

Also, I could remember wrong, but it seems that in this comic the robots’ dialogues are in square, and human or realistic synthetic people’s dialogues are oval-shaped; that raises more questions about this new character….

By: Anna Thu, 26 Nov 2015 14:45:07 +0000 love how the font makes the acronym for artificial intelligence indistinguishable from Al’s name.

By: SC Thu, 26 Nov 2015 01:22:53 +0000 I love how down to earth Al is all the time. “This party is nice and all, but you’re still financing our project, aren’t you?” “It’s just a 12 foot robot with fine motor ability. It has no real AI. Why is everyone so excited?” “Pfff.. I’m only half of a team who created a neuron emulator that made AI-complete machines possible. Why are you making such a fuss ?”

By: Grizz Tue, 24 Nov 2015 15:43:31 +0000 In reply to Dotcom.

I was wondering that too- the different speech bubbles might hint at that? Al and the last one both have round bubbles while the others are more ‘robotic’ looking!?

By: Dotcom Tue, 24 Nov 2015 14:11:35 +0000 Wondering if the last robot is a robot-robot or a cyborg (human brain in robot)? Interesting how s/he talks about just Al’s career being cut short by his illness—as if his actual life never ended.

By: Yaoi queen the 13th Tue, 24 Nov 2015 00:55:07 +0000 In reply to V.

Lol. They couldn’t say thanks first? I agree, it was humble of Al to not take all the credit. But it leaves me to wondering what the devil Brendon has been telling people. Are they like this with him or just Al? And what more could they want from him?

By: V Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:36:10 +0000 “Our creator cometh! Now get back to work!”

I’m very glad even Sciency Hermit Al Sterling knows science and technological development is a collective endeavor first and foremost, rather than a boon a few European geniuses give to our Unwashed Masses. c:
