Comments on: Chapter 4, Page 59 by Blue Delliquanti Fri, 21 Aug 2015 19:42:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr Erik Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:55:07 +0000 In reply to Scrod.

I’d make some eyebrows from post-its so that I could rearrange them in situations like this.

By: SC Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:04:51 +0000 In reply to Rochi.

This is *genius* ! You should write a Miss Synthetic Manners column once the emulator becomes available 5999.99 + tax at Sears.

By: TRA Sat, 13 Jun 2015 22:44:21 +0000 It looks like an unspoken conversation is happening between Sulla, + the cooking robot:

Sulla: I’ll have the tofu with broth.

Cooking Robot: (CR’s glance says)- Do you really wanna try that?

Sulla: (Sulla’s glance says)- Please let my try + do this. Please don’t give me away.

By: Pearle Sat, 13 Jun 2015 20:26:01 +0000 I just noticed, no pho with beef tendon. That is the best pho, and they don’t have it. Shame on you, fictional restaurant proprietors!

By: BurtDown Fri, 12 Jun 2015 01:37:51 +0000 I don’t understand how Sulla can pronunce so well…
Is it cause of Al’s coded memories? Brendan likes it? or she just likes researching stuff?

By: Scrod Thu, 11 Jun 2015 18:30:44 +0000 I think I could stand being a robot, but I don’t know about being a robot that looks like a floor lamp. I’d have glued a mustache on the front or bought a hat.
One of the things this reminds me of a bit is C.L. Moore’s NO WOMAN BORN, in which a badly-burned star is set into a robotic body. The face is an abstract mask with no features, and the body neutral, and yet it is obviously and amazingly still the great Deirdre dancing and singing. She can’t taste or smell and has little tactile sense, but her joy in life is still huge and transcends her new shell.

By: Scrod Thu, 11 Jun 2015 17:43:46 +0000 In reply to Blue.

I once heard a lecture by Peter Hunt in which he postulated that food and eating in children’s literature took the place that sex and romance occupy in adult stories(he was followed by Gahan Wilson, who related that to the meal we had just eaten so well that we all died laughing). Ever since then, I have noticed how rare it is for characters in fiction to eat. The amount of food eaten by these characters is just one more thing about this comic that is A+.

By: Scrod Thu, 11 Jun 2015 15:54:33 +0000 In reply to Dotcom.

I think you are correct – the robots are watching them like a cat at a mousehole, waiting for Al to change the world again.

By: Dotcom Wed, 10 Jun 2015 12:35:40 +0000 Why do I have the feeling the robot knows who Sulla is? They all seem to know Al so it seems only natural they would all know Sulla and maybe be a bit protective over her.

By: Blue Wed, 10 Jun 2015 11:20:25 +0000 In reply to Nine.

I totally get where you’re coming from. The one I usually get from my favorite place comes in a drinking glass and has a good amount of coconut cream and ice cubes in it, so I could see someone interpreting it as a drink if that’s the variety that they’re used to.
