Comments on: Chapter 4, Page 47 by Blue Delliquanti Fri, 20 May 2016 11:54:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: C Fri, 20 May 2016 11:54:42 +0000 read this page for the first time before i ever self-harmed. now, during this reread, having caved in to the urges a couple times, it REALLY hits home! Damn. too real, the reactions from both sides.

By: Dotcom Fri, 30 Jan 2015 14:11:28 +0000 Weird… This whole week, the website keeps updating between this page and the next.

By: Hollis Sun, 18 Jan 2015 17:04:05 +0000 In reply to katherine.

Yep, even if I am sort of suicidal at the time. There’s a short list of people I don’t have these reservations about, and that’s because they’ve all been there at one time or the other, too.

By: Amy Sun, 18 Jan 2015 14:49:45 +0000 Huh, I was struck by this PostSecret today:

By: thenope Sat, 17 Jan 2015 17:30:19 +0000 Well now my heart is broken.

By: MichB Sat, 17 Jan 2015 17:26:27 +0000 In reply to Apollo.

I get what you’re saying. On the one hand I LOVE these characters, that they are *real* and imperfect. On the other hand it’s then frustrating when they do or say something so wrong that we almost can’t believe it, because we *like* them, and we want to like them all the time.

Al comes across as this competent guy but he’s hiding a lifetime of insecurity, and has had longer to make screw-ups than Brendan has and to think about them. Brendan’s this young man who’s still in that over-confident full-of-himself phase where you think you know everything and hasn’t had the time yet to really make grand mistakes, and be humbled by them. And like he said way back, he doesn’t know how to fail

Look at his face; he’s scared and upset and he cares about Al but his response is to FIX IT I MUST FIX IT. I’ve had a similar thing confided in me (I managed not to go with the automatic “well stop it then) reaction, thank goodness) so I get where he’s coming from, it’s a kneejerk reaction, but a really unhelpful one.

The contrast between young Brendan, who tries to stick his oar in and control things, and older Brendan who worries more but also listens more, is really interesting. When he made Sulla, he listened enough to let her decide to be a *her* despite his own original intentions for her. So he learned something from whatever’s going to happen.

By: BurstDown Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:41:53 +0000 WOW Brendan that was… cruel…
People have many reasons to want to die loneliness most of all is like a knife that can pierce deep enough into someone it doesn’t matter how priviledged that person is it hurts…

By: Ganymede (Rex). Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:12:13 +0000 In reply to Anny.

i concur: as far as i see it, everything progresses just smoothly, here

what stake does one have in a story where all is hunky-dorie, and, one is never “challenged”?

(i’m still looking for Enomalie to come back…..)

By: Mike Fri, 16 Jan 2015 04:45:13 +0000 Buzz! Wrong thing to say, Brendan!

I mean, his reaction is understandable, but it displays a lack of trust in Al, as well as a lack of understanding…

By: RuDeDuDe Thu, 15 Jan 2015 17:46:26 +0000 I found his comic day ago, and read it through at once, and now I’m kind of sad, that I have to wait for updates now }X )
But, I absolutely adore this comic, and love the characters. Can’t wait to found out who’s behind the mystery of Al’s “resurrection”.
And this quotes between chapters – a very smart thing. Oh and the color scheme is very good too…
}X ) Let’s say I love it all.
