Comments on: Chapter 4, Page 28 by Blue Delliquanti Tue, 18 Jun 2019 18:40:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Borg Tue, 18 Jun 2019 18:40:17 +0000 I mean, you basically are her father. You didn’t raise her, but she is more or less your clone. That clearly makes you her biological father, never mind that neither of you is biological.

Granted, that isn’t the type of father the others are thinking of, but it is still a type of father.

By: Dorayaki Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:43:18 +0000 Even though they’re not real parent and kid in a narrow sense, I feel quite like the is still some distance between Al and Sulla. Maybe it’s more like Al’s personality, which means he doesn’t think someone living together with him is his real family.

By: Scrod Thu, 24 Jul 2014 20:22:57 +0000 Hey, is that Stanislav Lem’s he’s going to? Don’t order the Solaris Burger – it comes with a side order of people from your past. Remember, our menu has no answers, only . . . Choices.

By: Eocene4Ever Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:28:44 +0000 Al is kind of like Sulla’s bio dad she never met and Brendan her adoptive dad who raised her from birth. A good way to explain it to her tiny sea captain & friends.

By: Scrod Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:24:30 +0000 Somehow it is perfect that he calls her ‘kiddo.’ Something in her memory responds to it; I bet his dad called him that in happy times. She knows this big guy will be there if she calls, standing at her back. With an ally like this, she’s sailing out to engage her little sea captain unafraid. Dad, uncle, big bro? Doesn’t matter.
As if these kids would let her escape now anyway. I suspect Titus recognized Al, and they would certainly know Brendan. They can see that she is incredibly competent and sure about everything except social interaction, and she needs friends, and she is a mystery. All they need is a van and a big goofy dog and they can solve her!

By: Scrod Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:54:43 +0000 I kinda think he might be more like her big brother actually.

By: Tzivya Tue, 22 Jul 2014 03:18:22 +0000 I dunno, she’s got your nose…

By: Melissa J Tue, 22 Jul 2014 02:45:49 +0000 Finally finished reading through this entire comic! It was long delayed, but I’m so glad I got to read this finally. I love it! I will continue to follow this comic for sure.

By: ZodiacBiologist Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:50:41 +0000 In reply to HaHa.

She keeps promising she’ll be fine. Hmm, I sense something interesting shall happen.

By: Dermot Mon, 21 Jul 2014 19:19:42 +0000 In reply to Rex Ganymede, esq..

Huh. Why would the zipper be on the bottom? Would make it all the easier for stuff to accidentally fall out. XD
