Page 17.
Hey, starting this week and throughout August, I will be updating three times a week! Come back on Wednesday for your next page.
Page 17.
Hey, starting this week and throughout August, I will be updating three times a week! Come back on Wednesday for your next page.
Omg, more comic! That’s so exciting! 8D
Three times a week AND best Brenden expression in panel 2? Win!
I love you and this comic. <3
Brendan, you know, you look so nice with a firm jawline. Maybe it would be a nice idea to hit the gym. You know, now that Al’s back around.
Pretty excited to label wires. I guess he expected to spend his first day or three filling out HR paperwork?
(al was still wont to be cavalier towards his nerd crush, after all.
I think that’s the most Al has ever said at once. Is he nervous?
Could we say that Brendan predicted/designed ChatGPT? XD