Comments on: Chapter 1, Page 28 by Blue Delliquanti Sun, 11 Aug 2019 15:13:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill J. from Austin Sun, 11 Aug 2019 15:13:01 +0000 In reply to spook.

Yes! To be forced to grieve alone and in silence for the most important relationship in your life – just the thought of it breaks my heart.

I also appreciate the reference above to “a love letter to a trans audience” and “the small unexplained things…”

I’m so glad this strip is here, and that people understand and care enough to make kind, thoughtful, meaningful contributions to these discussions.


By: spook Fri, 08 Feb 2019 02:54:21 +0000 “nobody knows” is used here as an interesting way of saying “I have been grieving you for the past sixteen years without ever being able to fully express that grief to a n y o n e so is it honestly any wonder that I am still PRETTY HECKED UP ABOUT IT”

By: Dotcom Mon, 31 Jul 2017 14:32:18 +0000 In reply to Aly.

This is a beautiful analysis of Al and the comic in general. I wonder if knowing Sulla (and the fact he’s a robot now) will open his mind to transitioning. After all? He’s supposed to be dead and most people believe he is. Logistically, it’s very easy for him to become a woman, but he’s got a lifetime of conditioning and self-hate to heal from before ever considering it.

By: boo Sun, 14 Aug 2016 21:33:15 +0000 I started reading this yesterday and re-reading this again today and ouch that “It’s just the way you wanted”hurts.

By: Ikkoros Tue, 18 Aug 2015 19:47:33 +0000 Hi! Just started reading and I can’t seem to load c1p28 at all? This is so great so far! Can’t help but feel like I’m missing something very important here right now though >_<

By: Kris Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:22:18 +0000 Waking up after all that time and seeing this on top of questioning the ethical and philisophical rammifications of my existence…I’d be pretty done to.

By: Laura Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:48:48 +0000 I think Brendan’s comment is referring to how closed off and secretive Al was. If he were trans, then I doubt he would have accepted it for himself, much less reveal it to anyone else.

By: zodiacbiologist Thu, 29 May 2014 15:55:30 +0000 What if Brendan is talking about a family? Like, had he and Al talked about making a synthetic human together but in the image of a boy? And he’s frustrated because Sulla is a girl and not how they originally planned it to be? Or because Sulla is like a daughter to Brendan and not just like another project. Hmmm….Oh the possibilities! Love the comic!

By: Aly Thu, 10 Apr 2014 21:12:07 +0000 In reply to Linda.

> I can’t see anything in the comic that hints at that, even in the flashbacks

It’s all over the place. It’s just…hard to distinguish because it’s not obvious. It’s the small, unexplained things that breathe life and character into this narrative. The very first comic after the title page, with Al’s reaction to the blue fairy. His grip on his chest when he wakes up. His expression when told his body should feel “familiar.” His explosion at Brendan, when little more than confusion should have been warranted.

I think the only reason I’m so in tune with it is just because OHS is a piece that is written FOR everyone, but seemingly as a love letter TO a trans audience. It would take longer than I’ve got time to count the number of pages in this comic that have made me cry, or forced my stomach into my throat and my chest to clench up…

By: Linda Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:41:53 +0000 In reply to masic88.

Make that three of us – what is the unspoken question here? What about Al’s attitude about everything made Brendan think… whatever it is he’s thinking?

Assuming that Brendan is asking whether Al wanted to be a gal, I can’t see anything in the comic that hints at that, even in the flashbacks, but maybe I’m missing something?
